
शुक्रवार, 24 जुलाई 2015

Why Two Trading Accounts?

Why Two Trading Accounts?
You must have 2 trading accounts. One should always be used for long term stock investments. For example make a list of companies that you think will be multi-baggers in a few years and start a SIP (systematic investment plan) in them. Let say you invest 3000 every month in rotation on the 1st of every month in 5-10 companies of your choice. Lets say at an average return compounded annually these companies return 15% CAGR (some stocks return more), then in 31 years you will have more than 2 crores in your kitty. More than enough for your retirement from one account itself for a small investment of just Rs. 3000/- per month. Remember you can make much more if one of the stocks behaves like ITC or a Wipro .
The other account should be for F&O trading purposes only. Now here is some magic. Lets say you start with 2 lakh only and do not add a single paisa to that account ever. Now lets assume you make just 24% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate – only 2% a month)
which is entirely possible if you trade conservatively . In 20 years you will have almost 2 crores. Not to forget you have another trading account that's also helping you grow your money

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