
बुधवार, 29 जुलाई 2015

A trading plan for day trading (intraday) and for delivery based trading (investing) is must to become successful in the share market.

A trading plan for day trading (intraday) and for delivery based trading (investing) is must to become successful in the share market.

But it has been observed that most of the new comers don't create a trading plan rather they enter into share market to become rich in single day or in very short duration.

The following are few points to be included while creating the trading plan, the experienced traders can include more points but following 5 points are basic and very essential points to get success in trading shares, futures and options, Forex trading, commodity trading etc

1. Your trading objective (reason for trading)
2. What and when to trader?
3. Taking care of your money
4. Maintain your trading historyCreating a trading plan to become successful traderYour trading objective (reason for trading)
First, we have to define our trading objectives. Why are you trading? What is your end goal? But mostly new comers to shares market and traders are completely out of goals.

For example, a new trader might want their Rs 20,000 investment turn into Rs 100,000 in their first year or a day trader (intraday trader) want Rs 10,000 turn into Rs 20,000 in a day. This may happen but chances of failure are at large. Share market is not gambling but rather it is systematic method to earn money.

Such unrealistic expectations end up with huge losses before they ever had a chance to gain some profits.

According to our analysis, if a new comer makes 20-40% on their initial investment in their first year then that is outstanding returns. The next year would be definitely better than first year.

Day traders should be able to target around 5% to 8% returns per month (this becomes 60% to 96% per year), but it is not as easy as new comers think and jump into share market. Day trading is highly risky if done with appropriate knowledge and experience.

Delivery based trading is less risky and hence would provide low profits compared to day trading.

Important Note -
Any type of trader has to make up the mind that how much profits have to be made or targeted. But rather we suggest keeping small targets and start and once you gain experience and automatically the

2) What and when to trader?
It is important to decide or at least to know that what I am going to be like a day trader or delivery based trader or be an investor (investor buys stocks of the company having strong fundamentals and holds for longer duration)

Day trading requires you to be present in front of computer screen or trading terminal throughout the market hours and very important to be constantly in touch with the latest market happenings.
While delivery based trading is not required that much alertness compared to day trading buy keeping in touch with markets is always beneficial.
Investor is totally different from above two. He doesn't have to be very active in markets and in front of computer or trading terminal.So based on your time and other responsibilities the decision has to be made, so that your decision should not come in between with your other schedule and responsibilities.

Instead of trading on all stocks, trader can prepare daily list of stocks in news, volume gainers, losers etc and do trading for that day or wait for opportunity and then trade.

We have also made lots of provision of stock picks for day traders so traders can make use of same.

Day trading requires lots of market experience and market knowledge while investing does not require so much.
We advice for new comers to start day trading only after doing lots of market knowledge and only after doing paper trading practice.

Please visit our various stock picking sections to get readily available stocks.

3) Taking care of your money
First and very important is don't take any loan for trading as this will pressurize to trade and make daily profits which is not possible in share market. In share market it is not possible to make daily profits and that also by taking any sort of pressure.

Taking care of Money is probably the most important aspect of trading. First, you need to determine how much capital you have to risk in share market. Then you must determine how much you will risk on each trade.

Most traders risk 1-3% of their trading account balance on each trade. This may sound low to the inexperienced trader, but it is recommended and highly advised to risky only appropriate amount in trading.

Generally we advice to do paper trading practice before actually risking your money and once you gain enough experience and confident and can gain money in paper trading then you can start trading very small amount and once you get success you can start increasing the trading amount.4. Maintain your Trading History
The final step is to keep track of your daily trading or investment portfolio. The following points should be included and if required trade and/or investor can include more points
• Date
• Name of stock
• Action (buy or sell)
• Quantities (how many quantities were bought/sold)
• Amount invested
• Expected Profit potential (approx - so that you can square off your trade when the price reaches this level)
• Final Result -Either profit or loss
• Account balance after the trade has closed
• Mention Notes - Note down your experience and how you did this trade.

Above format makes tracking results very simple.
This is a pretty basic start to having a trading plan. Experienced traders know that many more details to prevent mistakes and encourage good habits.

Earn 10% profit in one month = 120% per yearHow much profit the trader can make in a month? let’s see how

If traders follow a simple strategy called "Take small profits and do multiple trades" which is explained in following example, the traders can easily double money in a single year. That is 10% per month equals 120% per year, which is more than double.

Let's take the following example

Taxes to pay for intraday trading

1. The Service tax is 10.36% only on brokerage.(Update July 2011- The service tax is reduced to 10.36% including education cess)
2. The STT (Security Transaction Tax) is 0.025% only on selling amount.
3. The Stamp duty on total turnover for a day which is 0.002%.
4. and finally you have to pay Regulatory charges on total turnover for a day which is 0.004%

No need to worry about these taxes as all these taxes will add up to very small amount at the end of the day compared to intraday profits. Let's see how in following sub sectionsWelcome to Indian Share MarketServing Since 2007

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The following example is calculated taking into consideration intraday brokerage rate as 0.03% for buying and 0.03% for selling.
Please note - Currently our intraday brokerage charges are 0.03% for buying and 0.03% for selling,

Suppose Trader bought Bharati Airtel at Rs.380 and quantity 100 so the total amount trader has to pay is Rs.380 x 100 = Rs.38,000.

Let's see how to calculate the brokerage and taxes.

The buying amount is Rs.38,000 (Rs.380x100 Qty shares)

Brokerage charges
0.03% as brokerage on 38,000 comes to Rs.11.40

Service Tax on Brokerage (service tax is applicable only to brokerage charges)
The service tax is 10.36%, so 10.36 % for Rs.11.40 comes to Rs 1.18.

Total charges the trader has to pay on buying amount is
The total brokerage + service tax which come to Rs.11.40 + Rs.1.18 = Rs.12.60

Now let's calculate the Brokerage and Taxes on selling amount

Suppose If the trader sold Bharati Airtel at Rs.381 (profit of only Rs 1), Qty - 100 so the amount comes to Rs.38,00 (Rs.381 x 100 Qty shares).
So the trader got the profit of Rs 100.

Brokerage charges
0.03% brokerage on 38,100, comes to Rs.11.43

Service Tax
The service tax is 10.36% only on brokerage amount, so 10.36 % on Rs.11.43 comes to Rs 1.18.

STT (Service Transaction Tax) is only on selling amount. The STT is 0.025%.
The selling amount is 38,100, the STT comes to Rs.9.52.

Total charges the trader has to pay on selling amount is = Brokerage + service tax + STT
= Rs.11.43 + Rs.1.18 + Rs.9.52
= Rs.22.13

Total amount you have to pay on buying and selling is (including Brokerage and taxes)
= Rs.12.6 (buying) + Rs.22.13 (selling)
= Rs.34.73

Also you have to pay stamp duty and regulatory charges on total turnover.

Rate - The stamp duty on total turnover for a day is 0.002% and Regulatory charges are 0.004%.

Stamp duty and regulatory charges are applied on total turnover of a day.

The total turnover is calculated by adding the buying and selling amount happened throughout the day.

In above example the Buying amount is 38,000 and selling amount is 38,100 which adds up to Rs. 76,100

Stamp duty is 0.002% and Regulatory charges are 0.004% which adds up to 0.006%

So on total turnover amount of Rs. 76,200 and the stamp duty and regulatory charges on that comes to Rs 4.57

So the total amount you have to pay for the trade of buying 100 shares of Bharati Airtel at Rs 480 and selling them at Rs 481 comes to
Rs 34.73 +4.57 (stamp and regulatory charges) = 39.30 which includes brokerage charges and other all taxes.

The conclusion is, the trader paid Rs.39.30 (brokerage and taxes) while the profit earned is Rs.100.
So the Net profit is Rs 60.7 (Rs 100 - Rs 39.3)

Rs 60.7 profit is earned by the trader in single trade by investing Rs 38,000
If the trader makes only 5 trades in a day then very big amount adds up at the end of the month.
And this strategy is called as do multiple trades and takes small profits.

Important note - Rs 1 movement in share price of Rs 300 to Rs 500 happens very easily for many times in a day. So select higher price shares for day trading so that you can take small profits and do multiple trades.

It is quite possible to get Rs 1 profit for Rs 380 share price compared to Rs 50 or Rs 100 share price. So take share price in the rage of Rs 300 to Rs 500 for trading.Let's see how it will add up to hundreds at the end of a day
If trader makes only 4 trades in a day then the profit in day adds up to Rs 240 (Rs 60 per trade x 4 trades in a day)

Now Let's see how it will add up to thousands at the end of a month
In a month there are 22 trading days, (Saturday and Sunday are holiday for share market)'
So, let's take 20 days for calculation.

Per day Rs 240 profit then for 20 days it comes to Rs 4800 by investing Rs 38,000

Let's see percentage wise returns
Trader earns Rs 4800 profit after investing Rs 38,000 so the percentage comes to 12.6% per month profit approximately.

Let's consider only 10% profit per month and remaining 2.6% for losses per month.

So the annually the returns will come to 12 months x 10% profit = 120%
Annual returns are 120 % (more than double)

How to make thousands in a day?
In above example we have seen how hundreds are made in a day, if trader just doubles the buying quantity that is instead of 100 shares if the trader buys 200 shares then the profits will also get doubled.
But new comers should be very careful, after getting months of experience and profits the trader can double the buying quantities. Day trading is very risky for inexperienced traders.

Trading on Margin Amount
In the above example the margin amount is not used but only the investment amount Rs 40000 is used.

Margin amount is the extra amount given by the broker to trade for a day.
Margin amount varies from broker to broker but generally broker provides 3 to 4 times margin amount.

Big Disadvantage of Margin amount - If you use the margin amount then you have to square off your trades before market closes. Whether you are in profit or loss or else heavy penalty will apply.

Important Precaution - In margin amount the risk is very high. You have to square off your trades on same day.
We advice do not to use margin amount.

Big Advantage of not using margin amount.
If trader don't use margin amount then he can hold trades for next day or as long trader want and sell the shares when the stock price goes up. As the trader is using his own money and not margin amount there is no compulsion of squaring off the trades on same day

मंगलवार, 28 जुलाई 2015

How avoide day trading loss

Day Trading Practice
Don't do day trading unless you do paper trading practice precisely if you are new comer.
Read more about paper trading practice at below link, Paper trading practice

Avoid Over Trading
Please read how to avoid high risk by avoiding margin trading at
Don't want risk - Avoid margin trading

Be Practical
Don't guess the market and stock direction but rather be practical and analyze the situation and then trade.
Don't assume anything because market can move in any direction and at any time.

Everyday is not Trading Day
Every day is not trading day so if you don't understand or not able to analyze the market or stock direction for any day then close the trading session for a day or for some time.How to avoid losses in day trading?

In day trading it is not possible to get profit for every trade you do in a day.
You may have to even incur some losses. So the bottom line is how to reduce these losses.

Have a look on following few important precautions which will help to reduce losses in day trading.Take Small Profits and Do Multiple Trades
Remember you are doing day trading so try to square off your trades with small profits and do multiple trades. Less then 0.5% profit for single trade is more then enough to end the day with thousands.
To read more about how to take small profits and do multiple trade please
go to Successful day trading - Multiple tradesAvoid Emotions in Day Trading
Have control on two greatest enemies of day trading. Fear and Greed.
Please visit below link to read more about these enemies
Mind preparation for Day Trading

Accept your mistakes
If you feel that your trade has went wrong then you should come out of the trade either by accepting small profit or even by accepting small loss.
It happens many times with most of the traders (even with experience one) that their trades goes wrong due to change in market direction immediately and giving no time for you to cancel your trade.

Don't depend on tips blindly
Do your own study.

Technical Analysis and Charting

This technical analysis will be very useful for those who are new to technical analysis in share market.

The following points will explain how to make use of different types of indicators, support level, resistance level etc.
If proper technical analysis is done then the investment strategies will improve drastically.

This article has all basic terms of technical analysis but this will give you better idea of the share market but if you are interested to know more about technical analysis then drop

The Foundation of technical analysis is the Chart.

Mainly there are 2 types of charts
Line Chart and Candlestick Chart

Line charts
A chart shown below is the Line chart is the simplest type of chart.
As shown in the chart the single line represents the stocks closing price on each day. Dates are displayed along the bottom of the chart and prices are displayed on the side(s).
Line charts are typically displayed using stocks closing prices.
Candlestick charts
A candlestick chart displays stocks open high, low, and closing price.

These type of charts are the most popular type of all charts.

As shown below the top of each vertical bar represents the highest price of the stock and the bottom of the bar represents the lowest price of the stock it reached on that day. A closing price (last price) is displayed on the right side of the bar.

The red bar indicates that stock has closed lower then its open price and white bar indicates that the stock has closed above its open price. At the bottom you can see time frame.Back to TopSupport and Resistance
Support and Resistance prices are very important in stock market and in technical analysis.
Support - The support level is considered when the stock is falling down. The support is the level at which the stock price gets support when the stock is falling down, and if the support breaks then that stock may witness further down movement.
Resistance - The Resistance is taken into picture when stock price is moving up. The resistance level is the price at which stock price get stoppage and if this stoppage/resistance breaks then further upside is expected in that stock price.
Generally, stocks comes to support and resistance points and get constant before further movement and further movement either down side or upside depends on buyers expectation and other technical aspects.
The breaking of support and resistance levels can also be triggered by fundamental changes, and that is up to investor expectations (fundamental changes like changes in profits, expansion, takeover, management etc).

Supply and demand
There is nothing strange about support and resistance levels. It is just supply and demand.
The supply is the number of shares that sellers are willing to supply (sell) at a given price.
The demand is the number of shares that buyers are willing to buy at a given price.
The investor expectations keeps on changing and so do the prices of stocks.
A breakout above a resistance level is evidence of an upward move as more buyers (demand) are willing to buy at higher prices. Similarly, the failure of a support level indicates that more supply (seller) is available and ready to sell at lower levels.
The Basic foundation of technical analysis tools is in the concept of supply and demand. So Charts provide us the best view and analysis of these levels in action.

Traders Regret (unhappy) Level
After the break out of a support/resistance level, it is common for stock traders to think on the new price levels, whether this price is suitable or not which results in further upward or downward movement. So in other words we can call this as traders regret. So due to this the price may come back to support/resistance level.
In such scenarios one of the two things can happen. Either the stock prices will move back to their previous level OR investors/traders will accept the new price and the stock price will keep moving up in the direction of breakout

How to understand what is going to happen and when?
A breakout generally happens with the support of huge volumes. If the price breaks through the support/resistance level with a large increase in volume and the traders regret period is on relatively low volume then this indicates that the new price up lift will keep ongoing.
Conversely, if the breakout is on moderate volume and the traders regret period is on increased volume then this indicates that very few investor expectations have changed and hence return to the original price.
Changes in price are the result of changes in investor expectations of the stocks future price. Trends
In the earlier chapter, we saw how support and resistance levels can be penetrated by a change in investor expectations which results in shifts of the supply/demand and hence change in stock price. This type of a change is always based on News.
In this TRENDS section, we will see what is trend and how it influences stock prices.
A trend represents a consistent change in prices. A trend is different from support/resistance levels. Trends represent change, whereas support/resistance levels represent barriers to change.
Upper Trend = A rising trend is defined as stock prices keep touching higher prices. A rising trend can be thought of as a rising support level and the bulls are in controls which are pushing the stock prices higher and higher.
Falling trend = It is defined as stock prices keep touching lower prices. A falling trend can be thought of as a falling resistance level and bears are in controls which are pushing the stock prices lower and lower.
The break out takes place when investor's expectations change in support with increase in volumes.
As in support/resistance, in trend lines also Volumes plays a major role in continuing the trend or in break out of the trend.

Moving Averages
Moving averages are one of the oldest and most popular technical analysis tool. This section describes the basic of moving average and interpretation.
Nowadays you get moving averages readily available on most of the websites.
To brief you moving average is calculated by adding the closing prices of a stock for most recent 15 days and then dividing by 15 the result what you get is the 15 day moving average.

How to trade on moving average
Suppose If the stock price is above its 25 day moving average, it means that investor's current expectations (the current price of the stock) are higher than their average expectations over the last 25 days, and that investors are becoming increasingly bullish on this stock and result is that the stock price may go up.
Conversely, if today's price is below then its 25 day moving average, it shows that current expectations are below average expectations over the last 25 days and this may bring stock price lower.
The moving average is used to observe changes in prices. Investors typically buy when a stock price rises above its moving average and sell when the price falls below its moving average. Back to Top Relative Strength Index (RSI)
The RSI is another one of the most used and well-known leading momentum indicators in technical analysis. The main use of RSI is used to find whether the stock is overbought or oversold.
The RSI indicator is plotted in a range of between 0 and 100. If RSI is reached above 70 then it is considered that stock is overbought and if it reaches below 30 then it is considered that the stock is oversold.
The bullish signal

How to trade on RSI Indicator
Basically the RSI is a price-following indicator used to look for a divergence in which the stock is making a new high, but the RSI is failing to exceed its previous high. This divergence is an indication of an impending reversal. When the RSI then turns down and starts falling.
To put more light, have a look on following chart.Learn Basics of Technical Analysis•

Short term equity

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मंगलवार की गिरावट ने वैश्विक निवेशकों को भी चीनी अर्थव्यवस्था की हालत को लेकर सकते में डाल दिया है और अब उन्होंने सरकारी बॉन्ड्स और जापानी येन में निवेश की तरफ अपना रुख करना शुरू कर दिया है।

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सबसे कीमती चीज

सबसे कीमती चीज

एक जाने-माने स्पीकर ने हाथ में पांच सौ का नोट लहराते हुए अपनी सेमीनार शुरू की. हाल में बैठे सैकड़ों लोगों से उसने पूछा ," ये पांच सौ का नोट कौन लेना चाहता है?" हाथ उठना शुरू हो गए.

फिर उसने कहा ," मैं इस नोट को आपमें से किसी एक को दूंगा पर  उससे पहले मुझे ये कर लेने दीजिये ." और उसने नोट को अपनी मुट्ठी में चिमोड़ना शुरू कर दिया. और  फिर उसने पूछा," कौन है जो अब भी यह नोट लेना चाहता है?" अभी भी लोगों के हाथ उठने शुरू हो गए.

"अच्छा" उसने कहा," अगर मैं ये कर दूं ? " और उसने नोट को नीचे गिराकर पैरों से कुचलना शुरू कर दिया. उसने नोट उठाई , वह बिल्कुल चिमुड़ी और गन्दी हो गयी थी.

" क्या अभी भी कोई है जो इसे लेना चाहता है?". और एक  बार  फिर हाथ उठने शुरू हो गए.

" दोस्तों  , आप लोगों ने आज एक बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण पाठ सीखा है. मैंने इस नोट के साथ इतना कुछ किया पर फिर भी आप इसे लेना चाहते थे क्योंकि ये सब होने के बावजूद नोट की कीमत घटी नहीं,उसका मूल्य अभी भी 500 था.

जीवन में कई बार हम गिरते हैं, हारते हैं, हमारे लिए हुए निर्णय हमें मिटटी में मिला देते हैं. हमें ऐसा लगने लगता है कि हमारी कोई कीमत नहीं है. लेकिन आपके साथ चाहे जो हुआ हो या भविष्य में जो हो जाए , आपका मूल्य कम नहीं होता. आप स्पेशल हैं, इस बात को कभी मत भूलिए.

कभी भी बीते हुए कल की निराशा को आने वाले कल के सपनो को बर्बाद मत करने दीजिये. याद रखिये आपके पास जो सबसे कीमती चीज है, वो है आपका

बड़ा सोचो

बड़ा सोचो

अत्यंत गरीब परिवार का एक  बेरोजगार युवक  नौकरी की तलाश में  किसी दूसरे शहर जाने के लिए  रेलगाड़ी से  सफ़र कर रहा था | घर में कभी-कभार ही सब्जी बनती थी, इसलिए उसने रास्ते में खाने के लिए सिर्फ रोटीयां ही रखी थी |

आधा रास्ता गुजर जाने के बाद उसे भूख लगने लगी, और वह टिफिन में से रोटीयां निकाल कर खाने लगा | उसके खाने का तरीका कुछ अजीब था , वह रोटी का  एक टुकड़ा लेता और उसे टिफिन के अन्दर कुछ ऐसे डालता मानो रोटी के साथ कुछ और भी खा रहा हो, जबकि उसके पास तो सिर्फ रोटीयां थीं!! उसकी इस हरकत को आस पास के और दूसरे यात्री देख कर हैरान हो रहे थे | वह युवक हर बार रोटी का एक टुकड़ा लेता और झूठमूठ का टिफिन में डालता और खाता | सभी सोच रहे थे कि आखिर वह युवक ऐसा क्यों कर रहा था | आखिरकार  एक व्यक्ति से रहा नहीं गया और उसने उससे पूछ ही लिया की भैया तुम ऐसा क्यों कर रहे हो, तुम्हारे पास सब्जी तो है ही नहीं फिर रोटी के टुकड़े को हर बार खाली टिफिन में डालकर ऐसे खा रहे हो मानो उसमे सब्जी हो |

तब उस युवक  ने जवाब दिया, "भैया , इस खाली ढक्कन में सब्जी नहीं है लेकिन मै अपने मन में यह सोच कर खा रहा हू की इसमें बहुत सारा आचार है,  मै आचार के साथ रोटी खा रहा हू  |"

 फिर व्यक्ति ने पूछा , "खाली ढक्कन में आचार सोच कर सूखी रोटी को खा रहे हो तो क्या तुम्हे आचार का स्वाद आ रहा है ?"

"हाँ, बिलकुल आ रहा है , मै रोटी  के साथ अचार सोचकर खा रहा हूँ और मुझे बहुत अच्छा भी लग रहा है |", युवक ने जवाब दिया|

 उसके इस बात को आसपास के यात्रियों ने भी सुना, और उन्ही में से एक व्यक्ति बोला , "जब सोचना ही था तो तुम आचार की जगह पर मटर-पनीर सोचते, शाही गोभी सोचते….तुम्हे इनका स्वाद मिल जाता | तुम्हारे कहने के मुताबिक तुमने आचार सोचा तो आचार का स्वाद आया तो और स्वादिष्ट चीजों के बारे में सोचते तो उनका स्वाद आता | सोचना ही था तो भला  छोटा क्यों सोचे तुम्हे तो बड़ा सोचना चाहिए था |"

Thought of the day

"हम लोगों की जिंदगी भी कुछ ऐसी ही हो गयी है| हम अपनी तुलना दूसरों से करते रहते है और दूसरों को देखकर हमें लगता है कि वो शायद हम से अधिक खुश है| इस कारण हम दु:खी हो जाते है|

हम उनका आनंद नहीं उठा पाते जो हमारे पास पहले से ही और उन वस्तुओं के पीछे भागने लगते है जो हमारे पास नहीं है | और इसी चक्कर में समय निकलता जाता है और बाद में आकर हम सोचते है कि पहले हम अधिक खुश थे| दुनिया में हर व्यक्ति के पास अन्य व्यक्ति से कुछ वस्तुएं अधिक और कुछ कम होगी इसलिए दुनिया में सबसे खुश वही जो अपने आप से संतुष्ट है|"

Crow Story In Hindi

आत्म संतुष्टि –

सबसे ज्यादा खुश कौन है? –

एक कौआ था जो अपनी जिंदगी से बहुत खुश और संतुष्ट था| एक बार वह एक तालाब पर पानी पीने रुका| वहां पर उसने सफ़ेद रंग के पक्षी हंस को देखा| उसने सोचा मैं बहुत काला हूँ और हंस इतना सुन्दर इसलिए शायद हंस इस दुनिया का सबसे खुश पक्षी होगा|

कौआ हंस के पास गया और बोला तुम दुनिया के सबसे खुश प्राणी हो|

हंस बोला – मैं भी यही सोचा करता था कि मैं दुनिया का सबसे खुश पक्षी हूँ जब तक कि मैंने तोते को न देखा था| तोते को देखने के बाद मुझे लगता है कि तोता ही दुनिया का सबसे खुश पक्षी है क्योंकि तोते के दो खुबसूरत रंग होते है इसलिए वही दुनिया का सबसे खुश पक्षी होना चाहिए|

कौआ तोते के पास गया और बोला – तुम ही इस दुनिया के सबसे खुश पक्षी हो|

तोता ने कहा – मैं पहले बहुत खुश था और सोचा करता था कि मैं ही दुनिया का सबसे खुबसूरत पक्षी हूँ| लेकिन जब से मैंने मोर को देखा है, मुझे लगता है कि वो ही दुनिया का सबसे खुश पक्षी है क्योंकि उसके कई तरह के रंग है और वह मुझसे भी खुबसूरत है|

कौआ चिड़ियाघर में मोर के पास गया और देखा कि सैकड़ों लोग मोर को देखने के लिए आए है| कौआ मोर के पास गया और बोला – तुम दुनिया के सबसे सुन्दर पक्षी हो और हजारों लोग तुम्हे देखने के लिए आते है इसलिए तुम ही दुनिया के सबसे खुश पक्षी हो|

मोर ने कहा – मैं हमेशा सोचता था कि मैं दुनिया का सबसे खुबसूरत और खुश पक्षी हूँ लेकिन मेरी खूबसूरती के कारण मुझे यहाँ पिंजरे में कैद कर लिया गया है| मैं खुश नहीं हूँ और मैं अब यह चाहता हूँ कि काश मैं भी कौआ होता तो मैं आज आसमान में आजाद उड़ता| चिड़ियाघर में आने के बाद मुझे यही लगता है कि कौआ ही सबसे खुश पक्षी होता है|

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क्या है खुश रहने का राज़

Secret of Happiness

एक समय की बात है, एक गाँव में महान ऋषि रहते थे| लोग उनके पास अपनी कठिनाईयां लेकर आते थे और ऋषि उनका मार्गदर्शन करते थे| एक दिन एक व्यक्ति, ऋषि के पास आया और ऋषि से एक प्रश्न पूछा| उसने ऋषि से पूछा कि "गुरुदेव मैं यह जानना चाहता हुईं कि हमेशा खुश रहने का राज़ क्या है (What is the Secret of Happiness)?" ऋषि ने उससे कहा कि तुम मेरे साथ जंगल में चलो, मैं तुम्हे खुश रहने का राज़ (Secret of Happiness) बताता हूँ|

ऐसा कहकर ऋषि और वह व्यक्ति जंगल की तरफ चलने लगे| रास्ते में ऋषि ने एक बड़ा सा पत्थर उठाया और उस व्यक्ति को कह दिया कि इसे पकड़ो और चलो| उस व्यक्ति ने पत्थर को उठाया और वह ऋषि के साथ साथ जंगल की तरफ चलने लगा|

कुछ समय बाद उस व्यक्ति के हाथ में दर्द होने लगा लेकिन वह चुप रहा और चलता रहा| लेकिन जब चलते हुए बहुत समय बीत गया और उस व्यक्ति से दर्द सहा नहीं गया तो उसने ऋषि से कहा कि उसे दर्द हो रहा है| तो ऋषि ने कहा कि इस पत्थर को नीचे रख दो| पत्थर को नीचे रखने पर उस व्यक्ति को बड़ी राहत महसूस हुयी|

तभी ऋषि ने कहा – "यही है खुश रहने का राज़ (Secret of Happiness)"| व्यक्ति ने कहा – गुरुवर मैं समझा नहीं|

तो ऋषि ने कहा-

जिस तरह इस पत्थर को एक मिनट तक हाथ में रखने पर थोडा सा दर्द होता है और अगर इसे एक घंटे तक हाथ में रखें तो थोडा ज्यादा दर्द होता है और अगर इसे और ज्यादा समय तक उठाये रखेंगे तो दर्द बढ़ता जायेगा उसी तरह दुखों के बोझ को जितने ज्यादा समय तक उठाये रखेंगे उतने ही ज्यादा हम दु:खी और निराश रहेंगे| यह हम पर निर्भर करता है कि हम दुखों के बोझ को एक मिनट तक उठाये रखते है या उसे जिंदगी भर| अगर तुम खुश रहना चाहते हो तो दु:ख रुपी पत्थर को जल्दी से जल्दी नीचे रखना सीख लो और हो सके तो उसे उठाओ ही नहीं

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कलाम की कहानी, गुलज़ार की जुबानी

मिसाइल मैन के नाम से मशहूर भारत के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉक्टर एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का कल रात शिलांग में निधन हो गया। वो 83 साल के थे। डॉक्टर कलाम कल शाम साढ़े छह बजे आईआईएम लॉन्ग में एक लेक्चर के दौरान अचानक गिर गए। अस्पताल ले जाने पर डॉक्टरों ने उन्हें मृत घोषित कर दिया। एपीजे अब्दुल अब्दुल के शव को आज शिलॉन्ग से दिल्ली लाया गया जहां उनके अंतिम दर्शन होंगे। फिर उनके पार्थिव शरीर को उनके गृहनगर रामेश्वरम ले जाया जाएगा और अंतिम संस्कार किया जाएगा। राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी और प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने डॉक्टर कलाम को श्रद्धांजलि दी है और उनके निधन पर 7 दिनों के राष्ट्रीय शोक की घोषणा की गई है।

पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म 15 अक्टूबर 1931 को तमिलनाडू के रामनाथपुरम जिले के रामेश्वरम में हुआ था। मिसाइलमैन नाम से मशहूर डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का पूरा नाम अबुल पाकिल जैनुलआबदीन अब्दुल कलाम था। एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम ने मद्रास इंस्टिट्यूट्स ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी से एयरोनॉटिकल इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई की।

देश के परमाणु और अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रमों में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान के लिए कलाम को भारत रत्न से सम्मानित किया गया था। राष्ट्रपति पद पर अपने कार्यकाल के दौरान भी कलाम ने काफी ख्याति अर्जित की। खासतौर पर बच्चों के बीच वो काफी लोकप्रिय थे। वो देश के ग्यारहवें राष्ट्रपति थे और साल 2002 से 2007 तक इस पद पर रहे। राष्ट्रपति कलाम ने ही भारत के विकास से जुड़ा विजन 2020 का कॉन्सेप्ट सबसे पहले सामने रखा था। सीएनबीसी-आव़ाज कलाम की कहानी गुलज़ार की जुबानी के जरिए राष्ट्र की इस महान हस्ती को अर्पित कर रहा है अपनी श्रद्धांजलि।

रिटायरमेंट के लिये कहां निवेश करें?

जो भी ये कहता है कि ग्राहकों के लिये ज्यादा से ज्यादा विकल्प उपलब्ध होना अच्छा है निश्चित रूप से उसे मार्केटिंग की जानकारी नही है।

एक प्रयोग ये बताता है कि लोगों को जब 6 विकल्प में से चुनने के लिये कहा गया तो उन्हें कम समय लगा जबकि 24 विकल्पों में से चुनाव करने के लिये उनका वार्तालाप बहुत लंबा चला।

बहुत अधिक विकल्पों के साथ ग्राहक चुनाव करने के बोझ तले दब जाता है। क्या ऐसा ही सेवानिवृत्ति योजनाओं के साथ हो रहा है ? क्या यही कारण है कि समझदार लोग सेवानिवृत्ति प्लान लेना टालते जा रहे हैं ?

आजकल विभिन्न कारण हैं जिनसे रिटायरमेंट की योजना बनना जरूरी हो गया है, जैसे लंबी जीवन अवधि, बढते हुए चिकित्सा खर्चे, मुद्रास्फीति आदि। फिर भी रिटायरमेंट प्लान लेने वालों की संख्या कम है।

तो आप एक बार उपलब्ध विकल्पों पर नजर क्यों नही डालते-

इक्विटी- परंपरागत रूप से ये सेवानिवृत्ति प्लान के लिये उपयुक्त नही माने जाते, लेकिन अगर आप जल्दी शुरू करते हैं तो यो आपके निवेशों को उछाल दे सकते हैं।

बीमा- ये सेवानिवृत्ति योजने के लिये प्रयोग होने वाला एक उपयुक्त साधन है लेकिन विशेषज्ञ कहते हैं कि इसे केवल जोखिम सुरक्षा के रूप में प्रयोग करना चाहिये, न कि एक निवेश माध्यम के रूप में ।

प्रोविडेंट फंड तथा सरकारी फंड – सदाबहार पसंदीदा विकल्पों में से एक, हमारे बङे बूढे हमेशा से इन कम जोखिम वाली योजना में विश्वास रखते हैं।

फिक्सड डिपॉजिट — सुरक्षित व विश्वसनीय , लेकिन मुद्रास्फीति के समय के साथ ये कम रिटर्न दे सकते हैं।

म्यूचुअल फंड-  ये विकल्प अक्सर सुझाये जाते हैं। इसमें पेशेवरों का अनुभव और विशेषज्ञता साथ में मिलता है।
प्रॉपर्टी- लंबी अवधि के लिये पूर्णतया प्रोत्साहित किया गया ऐसेट.खा��

सोमवार, 27 जुलाई 2015

Baat pate ki.....

सांप अगर विषैला नहीं है तो भी उसे फुफकारना नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए। क्योंकि अगर उसने स्वयं को विषहीन सिद्ध कर दिया तो उसके प्राण संकट में पड़ जाएंगे। इसी तरह व्यक्ति को भी किसी को हानि नहीं पहुंचाना चाहिए पर अगर कोई कमजोर समझ कर आप पर हावी होने की कोशिश करें तो उसे यह अहसास दिला देना चाहिए कि आप स्वयं को लेकर सजग है और किंचित क्रोध या विरोध का प्रदर्शन कर ही देना चाहिए। 

किसी वस्तु की सुगंध को फैलाने के लिए ठंडी बयार की जरूरत होती है, उसी तरह व्यक्ति के गुण या योग्यता भी मुंह से कहने की आवश्यकता नहीं वह स्वत : ही प्रसारित होते हैं सुगंध के समान। जिस तरह सुगंध को दबाकर नहीं रखा जा सकता उसी तरह अच्छे गुण भी दबकर नहीं रह सकते। ख्याति की मीठी बयार उसे मिल ही जाती है। 

आत्मा से कमजोर और चरित्र से दुर्बल व्यक्ति से कभी भी दोस्ती न करें क्योंकि वह आप पर उस समय हमला कर सकता है जब आपका समय कमजोर हो या जिस समय आपको अंदाजा भी नहीं हो।    9. हजारों पशुओं के बीच भी बछड़ा अपनी माता के पास ही आ जाता है, वैसे ही आपके कर्मो के फल भी इस जगत में मौजूद होते हैं जिसे तुम्हें ढूंढना नहीं होता है वह बछड़े के समान पास आ ही जाता है। अत: चाणक्य सदैव अच्छे कर्म की सलाह देते हैं। 

आत्मा से कमजोर और चरित्र से दुर्बल व्यक्ति से कभी भी दोस्ती न करें क्योंकि वह आप पर उस समय हमला कर सकता है जब आपका समय कमजोर हो या जिस समय आपको अंदाजा भी नहीं हो। 

हजारों पशुओं के बीच भी बछड़ा अपनी माता के पास ही आ जाता है, वैसे ही आपके कर्मो के फल भी इस जगत में मौजूद होते हैं जिसे तुम्हें ढूंढना नहीं होता है वह बछड़े के समान पास आ ही जाता है। अत: चाणक्य सदैव अच्छे कर्म की सलाह देते हैं। 

चाणक्य की अनमोल सीख

जीवन जीने की कला है चाणक्य की अनमोल सीख

जो धन बहुत मेहनत के बाद मिले, जिसके लिए अपने धर्म का त्याग करना पड़े, जिसके लिए शत्रुओं की खुशामद करनी पड़े उस धन का मोह नहीं करना चाहिए।
किसी काम को आरंभ करो तो 3 बातों का विशेष ध्यान रखो। पहला कि यह तुम क्यों करना चाहते हो? दूसरा इस काम का क्या नतीजा होगा? और क्या इसमें आपको सफलता मिलेगी?

Gyan ki baat

किसी के अधीन रहने से ज्यादा कष्टदायक किसी दूसरे के घर में रहना है। 

जो मित्र सामने मीठी बातें करता है और पीठ पीछे आपके काम बिगाड़ने में लगा रहता है ऐसे मित्रों को त्यागने में ही भलाई है।

रविवार, 26 जुलाई 2015

फेड के इस फैसले से टूट सकते हैं सेंसेक्स-निफ्टी, बैंकिंग और इंफ्रा पर पड़ेगी बड़ी मार

अमेरिका में जल्द ब्याज दरें बढ़ने की आशंका से ब्रोकरेज हाउस और बाजार के एक्सपर्ट की राय में अब बदलाव आ रहा है। अगले हफ्ते 28-29 जुलाई को अमेरिकी सेंट्रल बैंक फेडरल रिजर्व की ब्याज दरों पर बैठक है। इसके चलते भारतीय और ग्लोबल मार्केट में बड़ी उठा-पठक देखने को मिल सकती है। एक्सपर्ट मान रहे हैं कि अमेरिका में बेरोजगारी दर 2008 के निचले स्तर पर है, ऐसे में अमेरिकी सेंट्रल बैंक जल्द ब्याज दरों पर फैसला ले सकता है। अगर दरों में बढ़ोत्तरी होती है तो भारतीय शेयर बाजार में गिरावट देखने को मिल सकती है। इस गिरावट में सबसे ज्यादा असर आईटी, बैंकिंग, इंफ्रा और रियल्टी सेक्टर पर होगा।
ब्याज दरें बढ़ने से ऐसे पड़ेगा भारत पर असर
अमेरिका में अगर ब्याज दरें बढ़ती हैं तो यह इस बात का संकेत होगा कि अमेरिकी अर्थव्यवस्था अपने खराब दौर से निकल चुकी है। ऐसे में विदेशी निवेशकों ने जो पैसा भारतीय बाजारों में लगा रखा है, वह बाहर निकलने लगेगा। ऐसे में भारतीय बाजारों में भारी बिकवाली देखने को मिल सकती है।
बैंकिंग, इंफ्रा और आईटी पर होगा सबसे ज्यादा असर
अमेरिका में ब्याज दरें बढ़ने से भारत की आईटी, बैंकिंग, इंफ्रा और रियल्टी कंपनियों पर ज्यादा असर होगा, क्योंकि आईटी कंपनियों की कुल आय का 60 फीसदी हिस्सा अमेरिका और यूरोप से आता है। साथ ही इंफ्रा और रियल्टी सेक्टर की बड़ी कंपनियों ने डॉलर में बड़ा कर्ज लिया हुआ है। ब्याज दरें बढ़ने से डॉलर इंडेक्स में तेजी आएगी, इससे कंपनियों पर कर्ज का बोझ बढ़ जाएगा।
मौजूदा स्तर से शेयर बाजार में गिरावट संभव
फॉर्च्यून फिस्कल के डायरेक्टर जगदीश ठक्कर कहते हैं कि अमेरिका में अगर ब्याज दरें बढ़ने की घोषणा होती है, तो बाजार में गिरावट देखने को मिल सकती है। इस बार की फेड बैठक में सितंबर से ब्याज दरों में 0.25 फीसदी की वृद्धि करने का निर्णय हो सकता है।
क्या कहते हैं बाजार के विशेषज्ञ
बोनांजा पोर्टफोलियो के एवीपी पुनीत किनरा का कहना है फेड की बैठक में इस बार ब्याज दरें बढ़ाने पर फैसला होने की उम्मीद है। इससे बाजार में गिरावट गहरा सकती है। ऐसे में निवेशकों को कुछ चुनिंदा शेयरों पर ही दांव लगाना चाहिए।
क्या हो निवेशकों की रणनीति
मायस्टॉक के हेड लोकेश उप्पल कहते हैं कि बाजार में बिकवाली एंटर होने के लिए एक अच्छा मौका है। इस समय ऑटोमोबाइल और इंजीनियरिंग जैसे सेक्टरों में निवेश के अच्छे मौके हैं।
ट्रेडर्स कर सकते हैं ऐसा ट्रेड
स्टॉक एक्सिस के रिसर्च हेड बृजेश सिंह के मुताबिक चार्ट पर निफ्टी कमजोर नजर आ रहा है। निफ्टी में ऊपरी स्तरों पर बिकवाली की पूरी संभावनाएं बनी हुई हैं। निफ्टी फ्यूचर्स में बिकवाली करें, लक्ष्य 8350 का रहेगा। अगर निफ्टी इसे भी तोड़ता है तो नीचे की ओर 8200 तक का स्तर भी देखने को मिल सकता है। वहीं, ऊपर की ओर 8650 का महत्वपूर्ण रेजिस्टेंस है।

शनिवार, 25 जुलाई 2015

we made joining FREE

Dear Leaders,

In our endeavour to make the Amway business more appealing and ABO friendly, we have been taking certain positive steps & changes in the Business model from time to time.

In November 2011, we made joining FREE allowing people to join and experience the Amway business Free of Charge. While this enhancement made it easy for people to join, and we saw a significant increase in the number of new ABOs, many of these ABOs did not actively engage in the business.

To promote engagement with the new distributors, along with FREE joining, we also brought in a 50 PPV 'activation' rule under which all new ABOS were required to do a minimum of 50 personal PV within 60 days of joining (in multiple invoices) in order to remain in the business.

From February 2014, we made further positive changes by making Bank Account Information mandatory at the time of joining. By this change, we have been able to verify and engage with each new ABO.

While the main purpose of having the 50 PPV activation rule was to encourage engagement, that objective has now be addressed with the provision of more detailed information by new ABOs.

Therefore, with immediate effect, we are removing the requirement to do 50 personal PV within 60 days to sponsor or to stay in the business.

Also keeping with the Spirit of Free Enterprise and the feedback that we have received from you, we felt it timely to review our Renewal Process and have decided to remove Renewal fees in the business effective immediately.

That's right, it is now not only Free to Join, but Free to Continue in the Amway business .... Two more great reasons why Amway is the Best Business opportunity on offer in India today.

We will follow up with more Details in the coming Face To Face Events.

Please communicate this to deshpriya mourya and my email id and cont no m-07827724463, wishes all

टेढ़े कान्हा

टेढ़े कान्हा
एक बार की बात है - वृंदावन का एक साधू अयोध्या
की गलियों में राधे कृष्ण - राधे कृष्ण जप रहा था ।
अयोध्या का एक साधू वहां से गुजरा तो राधे कृष्ण राधे कृष्ण सुनकर
उस साधू को बोला - अरे जपना ही है तो
सीता राम जपो, क्या उस टेढ़े का नाम जपते हो ?
वृन्दावन का साधू भडक कर बोला - ज़रा जुबान संभाल कर बात करो,
हमारी जुबान भी पान भी
खिलाती हैं तो लात भी खिलाती
है । तुमने मेरे इष्ट को टेढ़ा कैसे बोला ?
अयोध्या वाला साधू बोला इसमें गलत क्या है ? तुम्हारे कन्हैया तो
हैं ही टेढ़े । कुछ भी लिख कर देख लो-
उनका नाम टेढ़ा - कृष्ण
उनका धाम टेढ़ा - वृन्दावन
वृन्दावन वाला साधू बोला चलो मान लिया, पर उनका काम भी
टेढ़ा है और वो खुद भी टेढ़ा है, ये तुम कैसे कह
रहे हो ?
अयोध्या वाला साधू बोला - अच्छा अब ये भी बताना
पडेगा ? तो सुन -
जमुना में नहाती गोपियों के कपड़े चुराना, रास रचाना, माखन
चुराना - ये कौन सीधे लोगों के काम हैं ? और आज तक
ये बता कभी किसी ने उसे सीधे
खडे देखा है कभी ?
वृन्दावन के साधू को बड़ी बेइज्जती
महसूस हुई , और सीधे जा पहुंचा
बिहारी जी के मंदिर । अपना डंडा डोरिया
पटक कर बोला - इतने साल तक खूब उल्लू बनाया लाला तुमने ।
ये लो अपनी लुकटी, ये लो
अपनी कमरिया, और पटक कर बोला ये
अपनी सोटी भी संभालो ।
हम तो चले अयोध्या राम जी की शरण में ।
और सब पटक कर साधू चल दिये ।
अब बिहारी जी मंद मंद मुस्कुराते हुए
उसके पीछे पीछे । साधू की
बाँह पकड कर बोले अरे " भई तुझे किसी ने गलत
भडका दिया है "
पर साधू नही माना तो बोले, अच्छा जाना है तो
तेरी मरजी , पर ये तो बता राम
जी सीधे और मै टेढ़ा कैसे ? कहते हुए
बिहारी जी कूंए की तरफ
नहाने चल दिये ।
वृन्दवन वाला साधू गुस्से से बोला -
" नाम आपका टेढ़ा- कृष्ण,
धाम आपका टेढ़ा- वृन्दावन,
काम तो सारे टेढ़े- कभी किसी के कपडे चुरा,
कभी गोपियों के वस्त्र चुरा,
और सीधे तुझे कभी किसी ने
खड़े होते नहीं देखा। तेरा सीधा है किया"।
अयोध्या वाले साधू से हुई सारी झैं झैं और
बइज़्जती की सारी भड़ास
निकाल दी।
बिहारी जी मुस्कुराते रहे और चुप से
अपनी बाल्टी कूँए में गिरा दी ।
फिर साधू से बोले अच्छा चला जाइये, पर जरा मदद तो कर जा, तनिक
एक सरिया ला दे तो मैं अपनी बाल्टी निकाल
लूं ।
साधू सरिया ला देता है और कृष्ण सरिये से बाल्टी
निकालने की कोशिश करने लगते हैं ।
साधू बोला अब समझ आइ कि तौ मैं अकल भी ना है।
अरै सीधै सरिये से बाल्टी भला कैसे
निकलेगी ?
सरिये को तनिक टेढ़ा कर, फिर देख कैसे एक बार में
बाल्टी निकल आवेगी ।
बिहारी जी मुस्कुराते रहे और बोले - जब
सीधापन इस छोटे से कूंए से एक छोटी
सी बालटी नहीं निकाल पा रहा,
तो तुम्हें इतने बडे भवसागर से कैसे पार लगा सकेगा ?
अरे आज का इंसान तो इतने गहरे पापों के भवसागर में डूब चुका है
कि इस से निकाल पाना मेरे जैसे टेढ़े के ही बस
की है ।
" बोलो टेढ़े वृन्दावन बिहारी लाल की जय "

पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार

आषाढ़ मास में शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी को देवशयनी
एकादशी कहा जाता है। सोमवार (27 जुलाई 2015)
को देवशयनी एकादशी है। भगवान विष्णु इस दिन शयन के लिए चले जाते
हैं और चार मास बाद जागते हैं।
उस दिन को प्रबोधिनी एकादशी कहते हैं। 22 नवंबर
2015 (रविवार) को प्रबोधिनी एकादशी होगी।
देवशयनी एकादशी भगवान जगन्नाथ की रथयात्रा
के पश्चात आती है। इसके बाद भगवान विष्णु 4 मास
तक शयन करते हैं।
क्या कहता है ज्योतिष
इस तिथि का दूसरा नाम पद्मनाभा भी है।
ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार, सूर्य के मिथुन राशि में
प्रवेश पर इस एकादशी का आगमन होता है। इसी दिन
चातुर्मास की शुरुआत होती है। भगवान विष्णु
क्षीरसागर में शयन करते हैं और चार माह बाद जब
सूर्यदेव तुला राशि में आते हैं तो वे जागते हैं।
पौराणिक मान्यताओं के मुताबिक, चार मास तक
विष्णुजी पाताल में राजा बलि के द्वार निवास
करते हैं। चूंकि ये भगवान का शयन काल माना जाता
है इसलिए इस अवधि में विवाह, यज्ञ, गृहप्रवेश,
प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा, यज्ञोपवीत संस्कार और समस्त शुभ
कार्यों का प्रारंभ वर्जित माना जाता है।
ज्योतिष तथा चिकित्सा शास्त्र के अनुसार, इस
दौरान सूर्य व चंद्र का तेज पृथ्वी पर कम पहुंचता है,
जल की बहुलता होती है, शरीर में पित्त की अग्नि
मंद पड़ जाती है और वातावरण में अनेक जीव-जंतु
उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं। इस दौरान विभिन्न रोगों का
भी प्रकोप होता है।
एक अन्य पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार, देवशयनी
एकादशी को ही भगवान ने शंखासुर दैत्य का संहार
किया था। इसके बाद वे चार मास के लिए शयन करने
चले गए थे।
ऐसे करें देवशयनी एकादशी व्रत
एकादशी के दिन प्रातः दैनिक कार्यों से निवृत्त
होने के बाद घर में पवित्र जल का छिड़काव करें।
आराधना स्थल पर भगवान विष्णु की प्रतिमा
स्थापित करें। इसके बाद उसका षोडशोपचार सहित
पूजन-वंदन करें। भगवान का यथोचित शृंगार करें और
कथा सुनें।
कथा के पश्चात आरती करें और प्रसाद का वितरण
करें। पूजन संपन्न होने पर भगवान को श्वेत चद्दर-
वस्त्रादि से सज्जित शैया पर शयन कराएं।
इन वस्तुओं का करें त्याग
इस दिन व्यवहार में गुड़, तेल, पुष्प आदि का त्याग करें।
गुड़ मधुर स्वभाव के लिए, तेल दीर्घायु, शत्रुनाश,
सौभाग्य और वंशवृद्धि के लिए त्यागना चाहिए।
इसी प्रकार एकादशी के दिन शहद, दही, चावल,
बैंगन, मूली आदि का त्याग करना चाहिए। मांस-
मदिरा जैसे तामसी पदार्थों का कभी सेवन नहीं
करना चाहिए। ये चीजें व्रत के प्रभाव को समाप्त
कर देती हैं।
यहां निवास करते हैं सभी तीर्थ
इन चार महीनों में तपस्वी भ्रमण नहीं करते। वे एक ही
स्थान पर रहकर चातुर्मास करते हैं। इस अवधि में केवल
ब्रज की यात्रा की जा सकती है। पौराणिक
मान्यता के मुताबिक, चार महीनों में पृथ्वी के सभी
तीर्थ ब्रज में आकर निवास करते हैं।
हरी हरी ॐ🙏🙏🙏

कंजूस बनिया

Baniya Special😝😝
बनिया को भूत चड़ गया।
3दिन बाद भूत खुद ओझा के पास गया और
बोला :- मुझे बाहर निकालो, वर्ना मै
भूखा मर जाउगां।
बनिया हाथ मे ब्लेड मार रहा था।
बीवी:- ये क्या कर रहे हो जी??
बनिया:- Dettol की शिशी टूट गई है
कही Dettol बरबाद ना हो जाए।
ला तेरी भी उगंली काट दूँ।
जहाज के साथ बनिया भी डूब रहा था।
पर बनिया हंस रहा था।
दुसरा यात्री :- ओए ,हँस क्यो रहा है??
बनिया :- शुक्र है, मैने रिटर्न टिकट
नही खरीदा।
बनिया 14 वी मंजिल से नीचे गिरा।
गिरते वक्त उसने अपने घर की खिड़की से
देखा कि बीवी खाना बना रही है।
बनिया चिल्लाया :-" मेरी रोटी मत
♨♨♨♨♨♨♨♨ 〽〽〽〽〽〽〽〽〽〽
बनिया ने शेख को खून देकर उसकी जान
बचाई। शेख ने खुश होकर उसे मर्सिडिज
कार गिफ्ट की।
शेख को फिर खून की जरुरत पड़ी,बनिया ने
फिर खून दिया।
अबकी बार शेख ने सिर्फ लड्डू दिए।
बनिया (गुस्से से) :- इस बार सिर्फ
शेख:- बिरादर, अब हमारे अन्दर
भी बनिया का खून दौड़ रहा है।
कंजूस बनिया मरनेवाला था।
बनिया:- बीवी कहाँ हो?
बीवी :- जी मै यही हूँ।
बनिया:- मेरा बेटा और बेटी कहाँ है।
दोनो बच्चे:- जी हम भी यही है
बनिया:- तो बाहर वाले कमरे
का पंखा क्यो चल रहा है???
कंजूस बनिया :- एक केला कैसे दिया???
केलेवाला :- १रुपय का।
कंजूस बनिया :-60 पैसे का देता है?
केलेवाला :-60पैसे मे तो सिर्फ
छिलका मिलेगा।
कंजूस बनिया :- ले 40 पैसे, छिलका रख
और केला देदे।
एक कंजूस
बनिया लड़का को बनिया लड़की से प्रेम
हो गया।
बनिया लड़की :- जब पिताजी सो जाएगें
तो मै गली मे सिक्का फेंकुंगी,आवाज सुनकर
तुरन्त अन्दर आ जाना।
लेकिन लड़का सिक्का फेंकनेंlके एक घन्टे बाद
लड़की :- इतनी देर क्यो लगा दी???
लड़का :- वो मै सिक्का ढुँड रहा था।
लड़की:- अरे पागल वो तो धागा बाँधकर
फेका था,वापस खिच लिया।

50 Golden Rules of Stock Market Trading

I'm sure most everybody knows these truisms in their hearts, but this list is nicely edited and makes a good read.
1. Plan your trades. Trade your plan.
2. Keep records of your trading results.
3. Keep a positive attitude, no matter how much you lose.
4. Don't take the market home.
5. Continually set higher trading goals.
6. Successful traders buy into bad news and sell into good news.
7. Successful traders are not afraid to buy high and sell low.
8. Successful traders have a well-scheduled planned time for studying the markets.
9. Successful traders isolate themselves from the opinions of others.
10. Continually strive for patience, perseverance, determination, and rational action.
11. Limit your losses – use stops!
12. Never cancel a stop loss order after you have placed it!
13. Place the stop at the time you make your trade.
14. Never get into the market because you are anxious because of waiting.
15. Avoid getting in or out of the market too often.
16. Losses make the trader studious – not profits. Take advantage of every loss to improve your knowledge of market action.
17. The most difficult task in speculation is not prediction but self-control. Successful trading is difficult and frustrating. You are the most important element in the equation for success.
18. Always discipline yourself by following a pre-determined set of rules.
19. Remember that a bear market will give back in one month what a bull market has taken three months to build.
20. Don't ever allow a big winning trade to turn into a loser. Stop yourself out if the market moves against you 20% from your peak profit point.
21. You must have a program, you must know your program, and you must follow your program.
22. Expect and accept losses gracefully. Those who brood over losses always miss the next opportunity, which more than likely will be profitable.
23. Split your profits right down the middle and never risk more than 50% of them again in the market.
24. The key to successful trading is to know yourself and your stress point.
25. The difference between winners and losers isn't so much native ability as it is discipline exercised in avoiding mistakes.
26. In trading as in fencing there are the quick and the dead.
27. Speech may be silver but silence is golden. Traders with the golden touch do not talk about their success.
28. Dream big dreams and think tall. Very few people set goals too high. A man becomes what he thinks about all day long.
29. Accept failure as a step towards victory.
30. Have you taken a loss? Forget it quickly. Have you taken a profit? Forget it even quicker! Don't let ego and greed inhibit clear thinking and hard work.
31. One cannot do anything about yesterday. When one door closes, another door opens. The greater opportunity always lies through the open door.
32. The deepest secret for the trader is to subordinate his will to the will of the market. The market is truth as it reflects all forces that bear upon it. As long as he recognizes this he is safe. When he ignores this, he is lost and
33. It's much easier to put on a trade than to take it off.
34. If a market doesn't do what you think it should do, get out.
35. Beware of large positions that can control your emotions. Don't be overly aggressive with the market. Treat it gently by allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.
36. Never add to a losing position.
37. Beware of trying to pick tops or bottoms.
38. You must believe in yourself and your judgment if you expect to make a living at this game.
39. In a narrow market there is no sense in trying to anticipate what the next big movement is going to be – up or down.
40. A loss never bothers me after I take it. I forget it overnight. But being wrong and not taking the loss – which is what does the damage to the pocket book and to the soul.
41. Never volunteer advice and never brag of your winnings.
42. Of all speculative blunders, there are few greater than selling what shows a profit and keeping what shows a loss.
43. Standing aside is a position.
44. It is better to be more interested in the market's reaction to new information than in the piece of news itself.
45. If you don't know who you are, the markets are an expensive place to find out.
46. In the world of money, which is a world shaped by human behavior, nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Mark that word – Nobody! Thus the successful trader does not base moves on what supposedly will happen but reacts instead to what does happen.
47. Except in unusual circumstances, get in the habit of taking your profit too soon. Don't torment yourself if a trade continues winning without you. Chances are it won't continue long. If it does, console yourself by thinking of
all the times when liquidating early reserved gains that you would have otherwise lost.
48. When the ship starts to sink, don't pray – jump!
49. Lose your opinion – not your money.
50. Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you.

शुक्रवार, 24 जुलाई 2015

About Brokers and Discount Brokers India

If you have a large trading account and fear that your broker will run away with your money or do trading on your account without your knowledge then you need not fear. The rules by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) are so strict that the brokers actually fear trading without your permission in your account. The rules governing management of money in brokers account are even stricter.
According to a recent rule any money that is not used in a Demat account needs to be returned to the client. Earlier if you remember the brokers used to keep the money in your trading account. You could have used that money any time you want or leave it idle. But now rules have changed. The money that is not blocked or used for a certain time needs to be returned to the client's bank account. This is to ensure in case you had left a lot of money with your broker and God-forbid some thing happens to you, all the money that is unused will be refunded.
In many cases family members do not know how much money the bread-winner has kept in the trading account. In earlier cases the whole money was kept with the broker and returned only when the nominee closed the account. The brokers used to keep the interest received on that money and return only the principal. Today they cannot.
In the US the money is not returned but the client gets interest on the money equivalent to a debt mutual fund of US (anywhere from 1-3% in a year). I do not understand why SEBI does not enforce this rule here instead of returning the money. Here in India debt mutual funds make almost 9% in a year. If enforced the money lying idle in Demat account will make more than money in our savings account.
SEBI knows how many clients a broker has, their PAN and other details like which bank account your account is linked to etc. They can find out all transactions done on you account through the broker, like cash deposits and withdrawals. So there is almost NIL chance that any broker can run away with your money.
According to the terms and conditions of SEBI no broker can buy or sell against your wish in any stock or derivative. They may call you, they can ask you to buy a stock because they feel its headed up, but I don't think if you deny they can go against your wish and buy that stock. It is a totally different story that you allow your broker to trade on your behalf, in that case if there is a loss they will remind you that they had taken your permission.
However I am talking about the popular and big brokers. I have no experience and idea of small brokers who run business from their homes with a couple of computers. These brokers are popular in remote areas, suburbs, village and small towns. My father-in-law had account with one such broker running business from home with one computer, but I never heard of him saying they ever traded against their wish.
If there was a miss-communication, misunderstanding on phone, or a trade done by mistake then that's a different issue altogether. But as far as I know brokers rarely trade against the wish of their clients. Its a serious issue. SEBI takes it very seriously. If SEBI comes to know of it through complains, their license will be canceled – so they actually fear trading without your permission.
There is a plain logic to it as well. See brokers need a lot of trading to make reasonable money. So if they need to cheat they will trade one everybody's account. Trading in one or two account against the wish of the client is not going to make them any money. And if they trade against the wish of all of their clients someone might definitely report to SEBI or consumer courts. A few complaints – investigation – and gone – the broker is out of business. So they will fear doing any trade without the knowledge of their client.
In this case I am sure some kind of miss-communication took place. Or probably the trader was not clearly told the risks involved in Futures trading. He might have only told that if you buy a Future you make a lot of money if Nifty goes up. Probably he was never told that if it falls, he will have to pay for the losses.
Remember brokers will never deny a trade. If you ask them, "shall I buy SBI now?" They will never say No. They will always say, "yes buy its a great stock, it will go up very fast." In 95% of the cases the client gives their consent and the trade is done.
When any broker applies for brokering license they have to a sign terms and conditions under which they keep a lot of money as security with SEBI – on top of that every trade is monitored by NSE ,
BSE , MCX or any other exchange where the trade takes place. Its near impossible for any broker to fudge accounts or run away with their clients money.
A broking company may declare bankruptcy, refund their customers and close business but the conditions are so difficult that they cannot run away with their clients money. For example no broker accepts cash – you have to do an online transfer or pay by check. Similarly they do not pay you by cash. So 100% transactions are accounted for and all records can be produced when demanded.
Sometimes some broker may close business but they may either close your account or shift your shares to some other broker and you become their clients. Of course the F&O trades needs to be closed. I think they cannot be shifted.
Still you should do your research before opening an account with a stock broker. For example you can find complaints against any broker in the Arbitration Status page of the NSE. You can also read reviews online about the broker. Read what their clients are saying. At least you get some idea.
Your bank also is a stock broker but its their by-product so I would advise to open an account with a company that specializes in stock brokering. That should be their main business. If that's not their main business they will not be able to give kind of support you may need.
Discount Broker Benefits:
At least your F&O account should be with a discount broker. This is because if you are paying Rs. 50/- per lot then you are paying too much to your broker. The discount brokers charge per trade (not per lot). Most discount brokers in India charge are Rs. 20/- or less per trade.
Some of the good discount brokers in India are: Zerodha (Rs. 20 per trade),
RKSV (5 free trades, per month then Rs. 20/- per trade) SASOnline (Rs. 9/- per trade.)
Why Two Trading Accounts?
You must have 2 trading accounts. One should always be used for long term stock investments. For example make a list of companies that you think will be multi-baggers in a few years and start a SIP (systematic investment plan) in them. Let say you invest 3000 every month in rotation on the 1st of every month in 5-10 companies of your choice. Lets say at an average return compounded annually these companies return 15% CAGR (some stocks return more), then in 31 years you will have more than 2 crores in your kitty. More than enough for your retirement from one account itself for a small investment of just Rs. 3000/- per month. Remember you can make much more if one of the stocks behaves like ITC or a Wipro .
The other account should be for F&O trading purposes only. Now here is some magic. Lets say you start with 2 lakh only and do not add a single paisa to that account ever. Now lets assume you make just 24% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate – only 2% a month)
which is entirely possible if you trade conservatively . In 20 years you will have almost 2 crores. Not to forget you have another trading account that's also helping you grow your money

Why Two Trading Accounts?

Why Two Trading Accounts?
You must have 2 trading accounts. One should always be used for long term stock investments. For example make a list of companies that you think will be multi-baggers in a few years and start a SIP (systematic investment plan) in them. Let say you invest 3000 every month in rotation on the 1st of every month in 5-10 companies of your choice. Lets say at an average return compounded annually these companies return 15% CAGR (some stocks return more), then in 31 years you will have more than 2 crores in your kitty. More than enough for your retirement from one account itself for a small investment of just Rs. 3000/- per month. Remember you can make much more if one of the stocks behaves like ITC or a Wipro .
The other account should be for F&O trading purposes only. Now here is some magic. Lets say you start with 2 lakh only and do not add a single paisa to that account ever. Now lets assume you make just 24% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate – only 2% a month)
which is entirely possible if you trade conservatively . In 20 years you will have almost 2 crores. Not to forget you have another trading account that's also helping you grow your money

गुरुवार, 23 जुलाई 2015

What is Short Selling

Traditionally the premise of investing is that you buy an asset and hold it until it rises enough to make a sizable profit, it doesn't get much easier than that. What about the times you come across a stock that you wouldn't invest a penny in, you know that stock is doomed, a sure loser. If you knew that the stock was going to decline wouldn't be nice to be able to profit from its decline.
Well you can profit from the decline of a stock and although it sounds easy, there are substantial risks and pitfalls that you need to watch out for. The mechanics of a short sale are somewhat complicated and the investor's risks are high so it is important that you understand the transaction before getting into it.
What does it mean to sell short?
If you sell a stock you don't own, you are selling short. (Yes, it's legal.) You are now short the stock.
A short seller sells a stock that he believes will fall in value. A short seller does not own the stock before he sells it. Instead, he borrows it from someone who already owns it. Later, the short seller buys back the stock he shorted and returns the stock to close out the loan. If the stock has fallen in price since he sold short, he can buy the stock back for less than he received for selling it. The difference is his profit.
Short selling allows investors to profit from falling stock prices. "Buy low, sell high" is the goal of both short selling and purchasing shares ("going long"). A short sale reverses the order of a typical stock purchase: the stock is sold first and bought later.
For example, in March 2002, Andy thinks HLL is overvalued. He sells short 100 shares of HLL at Rs. 250 per share. The stock market crashes in April and HLL's share price falls to Rs. 210 per share. Andy buys back 100 shares of HLL and closes out the short sale. Andy gains the difference between the sales proceeds and the purchase costs and pockets Rs. 4,000 from the short sale, excluding transaction costs.
Where Does The Broker Get The Stock?
The short answer is from other customers or the Stock Holding Corp. of India.
Short selling is a marginable transaction. In plain English, that means you must open a margin account to sell short. This is the same account you would use if you want to use your stocks as collateral margin to trade in the markets.
When you open a margin account, you must sign an agreement with your broker. This agreement says you will maintain a cash margin or pledge your stocks as margin.
How Do I Sell Short?
Unlike a stock purchase transaction, which involves two parties (the buyer and the seller), short selling involves three parties: the original owner, the short seller, and the new buyer. The short seller borrows shares from the original owner, and immediately sells them on the open market to any willing buyer. To finalize ("close out") the short sale transaction, the short seller must then go out into the stock market and buy the same amount of shares as he sold so that the broker can return them to the original owner.
To sell short you first must set up a margin account with your broker. A margin account allows you borrow from your brokerage company using the value of your portfolio as collateral. The general rule is that the value of your portfolio must equal at least 50% of the size of the short sale transaction. In other words, If you have Rs. 100,000 worth of stock/cash in your margin account, you can borrow Rs. 200,000 of stock to sell short.
To sell a stock short, you must borrow stock. To initiate a short sale, you simply call up your broker and ask to sell short a specific number of shares of your selected stock. Your broker then checks with the Margin Department to see whether the shares are available or can be borrowed. If they are available, the brokerage borrows the shares, sells them in the open market, and puts the proceeds into your margin account. To close out your short sale, you tell your broker that you want to buy the same number of shares that you shorted. The broker will purchase the shares for you using the money in your margin account, return the shares and close out the short sale transaction.
While your short sale is outstanding, your account will be charged interest against the value of the short position. If the stock you shorted goes up in price, or the value of the stock you are using as collateral goes down in price, so that your collateral is less than the "maintenance" requirement you will be required to add money to your margin account or buy back the stock that you sold short. You must also pay any dividends issued by the company whose stock you sold short.
Why Sell Short?
The two primary reasons for selling short are opportunism and portfolio protection. Occasionally investors see a stock that they believe has been hyped to a ridiculously high level. They believe that the stock price will fall when reality replaces the hype. A short sale provides the opportunity to profit from the overpriced stock. Short sales are also used to protect an investor's portfolio against a market downturn. By shorting stocks that the investor believes will fall sharply when the market as a whole falls, investors can help insulate the value of their portfolios against sudden market drops.
Short selling is also used to protect portfolios against erosion due to a broad market decline. Short sellers make money when stock prices fall. An investor can diversify a long portfolio by adding some short positions. The portfolio will then have positions that make money both when prices rise and when they fall. This reduces the volatility in the portfolio's returns and helps protect the value of the portfolio when prices are falling.
By shorting carefully selected stocks that are priced near their peak but that will fall sharply if the market falls, an investor can use the profits from the short sales to help offset losses in his long position to protect the value of his portfolio.
Short selling just like long buying is essential for proper functioning of the stock market. It provides essential liquidity which in turn leads to proper price discovery.

Very imp देश पर 55 लाख 87 हजार 149 करोड़ का कर्ज है !

Very imp देश पर 55 लाख 87 हजार 149 करोड़ का कर्ज है ! जिसका 1 वर्ष का ब्याज भरना पड़ रहा है = 4 लाख 27 हजार करोड़ ! यानि 1 महीने का = 35 हजार 584 करोड़ ! यानि 1 दिन का = 1 हज़ार 186 करोड़ ! यानि 1 घंटे का = 49 करोड़ ! यानि 1 मिनट का 81 लाख ! यानि 1 सेकेंड का 1,35,000! जरा सोचिए ! जब देश प्रति सेकेंड 1 लाख 35 हजार रूपये का तो सिर्फ पुराने कर्जे का ब्याज भर रहा है तो देश के अच्छे दिन आसानी से कैसे आएंगे..??? अत: जितना सम्भव हो भारतीय प्रोडक्ट ही ख़रीदे, देश को लूटने से बचाये, अर्थव्यस्था की मजबूती में अपना अमूल्य योगदान देकर भारतवर्ष को फिर से समृद्ध बनाये... -रघूराम राजन गवर्नर आर.बी.आई.

मंगलवार, 21 जुलाई 2015

वेदांता की एल्यूमीनियम यूनिट में छंटनी के संकेत

मुंबई। वेदांता के एल्यूमीनियम बिजनेस में भारी गिरावट आई है, जिसकी वजह से कंपनी बड़ी तादाद में कर्मचारियों की छंटनी कर सकती है। ग्लोबल मार्केट में एल्यूमीनियम के दाम कम होने और आयात बढ़ने की वजह से ऐसी स्थिति बनी।
कंपनी ने सरकार से आग्रह किया है कि एल्यूमीनियम के आयात पर अंकुश लगाने के लिए सीमा शुल्क दोगुना कर दिया जाए। अरबपति उद्यमी अनिल अग्रवाल की कंपनी का एल्यूमीनियम बिजनेस इस कदर गिर गया है कि इसका मेन प्लांट महज एक तिहाई क्षमता पर चल रहा है।
दिलचस्प है कि साल के पहले छह महीनों के दौरान दुनियाभर में एल्यूमीनियम का उत्पादन साल 2010 के बाद सबसे तेज गति से बढ़ी है। एल्यूमीनियम के सबसे बड़े उत्पादक चीन ने उत्पादन 18 प्रतिशत बढ़ा दिया है, जबकि दुनियाभर के बाजारों में इस मेटल का उत्पादन 10.3 प्रतिशत बढ़ा है।
कीमत 6 साल में सबसे कम
लंदन मेटल एक्सचेंज (एलएमई) पर एल्यूमीनियम की कीमत करीब पिछले 6 साल के न्यूनतम स्तर पर आ गई है। इस वजह से वेदांता जैसी भारतीय कंपनियों का मार्जिन 75 प्रतिशत तक घट गया है। दूसरी ओर कच्चे माल की लागत या तो बढ़ी है या फिर स्थिर है।
प्लांट चालू रखना मुश्किल
एल्यूमीनियम का उत्पादन करने वाली देश की सबसे बड़ी कंपनी वेदांता के सीईओ (एल्यूमीनियम बिजनेस) अभिजित पाटी ने कहा, 'यदि किसी भी समय कीमतों में आगे गिरावट आती है, तो जाहिर है घरेलू एल्यूमीनियम कंपनियों के लिए प्लांट चालू रखने की गुंजाइश नहीं बचेगी। हमें कुछ कड़े फैसले करने होंगे। हमने पहले ही खर्चों में कटौती शुरू कर दी है, लेकिन यह पर्याप्त नहीं है। हम बड़ी तादाद में छंटनी करने जा रहे हैं।'
फिलहाल अंतिम फैसला बाकी
वेदांता के एल्यूमीनियम बिजनेस में कर्मचारियों की संख्या लगभग 17,000 है, जिसमें कंपनी की पार्टनर एजेंसियों के कर्मचारी शामिल हैं। बहरहाल, पाटी ने कहा कि कंपनी ने अब तक छंटनी को लेकर अंतिम फैसला नहीं किया है।

Moving averages define STOCK TRENDS.

[21/07 21:59] Ramswroop Ji: Moving averages define STOCK TRENDS.
They can be computed for any period of time. Investors and traders find them most helpful when they provide input about the SHORT-TERM, INTERMEDIATE and LONG-TERM trends. For this reason, using multiple moving averages that reflect these characteristics assist important decision making. Common moving average settings for daily stock charts are: 20 days for short-term, 50 days for intermediate and 200 days for long-term.
One of the most common buy or sell signals in all chart analysis is the MOVING AVERAGE CROSSOVER. These occur when two moving averages representing different trends criss-cross. For example, when a short-term average crosses BELOW a long-term one, a SELL signal is generated. Conversely, when a short-term crosses ABOVE the long-term, a BUY signal is generated.
Moving averages can be "speeded up" through the application of further math calculations. Common averages are known as SIMPLE or SMA. These tend to be very slow. By giving more weight to the current changes in price rather than those many bars ago, a faster EXPONENTIAL or EMA moving average can be created. Many technicians favor the EMA over the SMA. Fortunately all common stock chart programs, online and offline, do the difficult moving average calculations for you and plot price perfectly.
[21/07 22:00] Ramswroop Ji: New to Trading and Technical Analysis? Learn the Basics of Technical Analysis of Indian Stocks and Stock Market Trend Stock Charts and Trends.
Stock Charts
Stock charts gained popularity in the late 19th Century from the writings of Charles H. Dow in the Wall Street Journal. His comments, later known as "Dow Theory", alleged that markets move in all kinds of measurable trends and that these trends could be deciphered and predicted in the price movement seen on all charts.
FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS seeks to determine future stock price by understanding and measuring the objective "value" of an equity. The study of stock charts, known as TECHNICAL ANALYSIS, believes that the past action of the market itself will determine the future course of prices.
A stock chart is a simple two-axis (x-y) plotted graph of price and time. Each individual equity, market and index listed on a public exchange has a chart that illustrates this movement of price over time. Individual data plots for charts can be made using the CLOSING price for each day. The plots are connected together in a single line, creating the graph. Also, a combination of the OPENING, CLOSING, HIGH and/or LOW prices for that market session can be used for the data plots. This second type of data is called a PRICE BAR. Individual price bars are then overlaid onto the graph, creating a dense visual display of stock movement.
Stock charts can be created in many different time frames. Mutual fund holders use monthly charts in which each individual data plot consists of a single month of activity. Day traders use 1 minute and 5 minute stock charts to make quick buy and sell decisions. The most common type of stock chart is the daily plot, showing a single complete market session for each unit.
Stock charts can be drawn in two different ways. An ARITHMETIC chart has equal vertical distances between each unit of price. A LOGARITHMIC chart is a percentage growth chart. It has equal vertical distances between the same percentages of price growth. For example, a price movement from 10 to 20 is a 100% move. A move from 20 to 40 is also a 100% move. For this reason, the vertical distance from 10 to 20 and the vertical distance from 20 to 40 will be identical on a logarithmic chart.
Stock chart analysis can be applied equally to individual stocks and major indices. Analysts use their technical research on index charts to decide whether the current market is a BULL MARKET or a BEAR MARKET. On individual charts, investors and traders can learn the same thing about their favorite companies.
Use the stock chart to identify the current trend. A trend reflects the average rate of change in a stock's price over time. Trends exist in all time frames and all markets. Day traders can establish the trend of their stocks to within minutes. Long term investors watch trends that persist for many years.
Trends can be classified in three ways:
In an uptrend, a stock rallies often with intermediate periods of consolidation or movement against the trend. In doing so, it draws a series of higher highs and higher lows on the stock chart. In an uptrend, there will be a POSITIVE rate of price change over time.
In a downtrend, a stock declines often with intermediate periods of consolidation or movement against the trend. In doing so, it draws a series of lower highs and lower lows on the stock chart. In a downtrend, there will be a NEGATIVE rate of price change over time.
Rangebound price swings back and forth
for long periods between easily seen upper and lower limits. There is no apparent direction to the price movement on the stock chart and there will be LITTLE or NO rate of price change.
Trends tend to persist over time. A stock in an uptrend will continue to rise until some change in value or conditions occurs. Declining stocks will continue to fall until some change in value or conditions occurs. Chart readers try to locate TOPS and BOTTOMS, which are those points where a rally or a decline ends. Taking a position near a top or a bottom can be very profitable.
Trends can be measured using TRENDLINES. Very often a straight line can be drawn UNDER three or more pullbacks from rallies or OVER pullbacks from declines. When price bars then return to that trendline, they tend to find SUPPORT or RESISTANCE and bounce off the line in the opposite direction.
A famous quote about trends advises that "The trend is your friend". For traders and investors, this wisdom teaches that you will have more success taking stock positions in the direction of the prevailing trend than against it.
Volume measures the participation of the crowd. Stock charts display volume through individual HISTOGRAMS below the price pane. Often these will show green bars for up days and red bars for down days. Investors and traders can measure buying and selling interest by watching how many up or down days in a row occur and how their volume compares with days in which price moves in the opposite direction.
Stocks that are bought with greater interest than sold are said to be under ACCUMULATION. Stocks that are sold with great interest than bought are said to be under DISTRIBUTION. Accumulation and distribution often LEAD price movement. In other words, stocks under accumulation often will rise some time after the buying begins. Alternatively, stocks under distribution will often fall some time after selling begins.
It takes volume for a stock to rise but it can fall of its own weight. Rallies require the enthusiastic participation of the crowd. When a rally runs out of new participants, a stock can easily fall. Investors and traders use indicators such as ON BALANCE VOLUME to see whether participation is lagging (behind) or leading (ahead) the price action.
Stocks trade daily with an average volume that determines their LIQUIDITY.
Liquid stocks are very easy for traders to buy and sell. Illiquid stocks require very high SPREADS (transaction costs) to buy or sell and often cannot be eliminated quickly from a portfolio. Stock chart analysis does not work well on illiquid stocks.
Breakouts accompanied by volume much higher than the average for that stock are healthy for the continuation of the price movement in that direction. But after long rallies or declines, stocks often have a day of very high volume known as a CLIMAX. During these days, the last of the buyers or sellers take positions. The stock then reverses as there are no longer enough participants to cause price to move in that direction.
Patterns and Indicators
How can you organize the endless stream of stock chart data into a logical format that doesn't require rocket science to interpret? Charts allow investors and traders to look at past and present price action in order to make reasonable predictions and wise choices. It is a highly visual medium. This one fact separates it from the colder world of value-based analysis.
The stock chart activates both left-brain and right-brain functions of logic and creativity. So it's no surprise that over the last century two forms of analysis have developed that focus along these lines of critical examination.
The oldest form of interpreting charts is PATTERN ANALYSIS. This method gained popularity through both the writings of Charles Dow and Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, a classic book written on the subject just after World War II. The newer form of interpretation is INDICATOR ANALYSIS, a math-oriented examination in which the basic elements of price and volume are run through a series of calculations in order to predict where price will go next.
Pattern analysis gains its power from the tendency of charts to repeat the same bar formations over and over again.
These patterns have been categorized over the years as having a bullish or bearish bias. Some well-known ones include HEAD and SHOULDERS, TRIANGLES, RECTANGLES, DOUBLE TOPS, DOUBLE BOTTOMS and FLAGS. Also, chart landscape features such as GAPS and TRENDLINES are said to have great significance on the future course of price action.
Indicator analysis uses math calculations to measure the relationship of current price to past price action. Almost all indicators can be categorized as TREND-FOLLOWING or OSCILLATORS. Popular trend-following indicators include MOVING AVERAGES, ON BALANCE VOLUME and MACD. Common oscillators include STOCHASTICS, RSI and RATE OF CHANGE. Trend-following indicators react much more slowly than oscillators. They look deeply into the rear view mirror to locate the future. Oscillators react very quickly to short-term changes in price, flipping back and forth b

सोमवार, 20 जुलाई 2015

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal
Ashalata Maheshwari, right, at her residence in Mumbai.
At a time when individuals in India are disenchanted with the stock market, Mumbai resident Ashalata Maheshwari, 77 years old, is a rare champion for stocks.
Ms. Maheshwari has been investing in Indian companies for five decades, and though many have gone bust over the years, shares in others have gained enough value to give her confidence that equities are the best investments over the long term.
"Stocks have given me the best returns because I have rarely sold them," Ms. Maheshwari told The Wall Street Journal in an interview at her Mumbai home. "Patience is key to stock market investments," she said.
The Reserve Bank of India says stocks comprise less than 5% of the savings of Indian households, which have traditionally invested in gold and real estate.
Many individuals turned to the stock market for the first time between 2007 and 2009 when India was booming and people had plenty of disposable income. But the financial downturn has hurt. India's benchmark BSE S&P Sensex is off about 9% from record levels seen in early 2008.
Ms. Maheshwari is unfazed because stocks have risen over the long term. In the last 20 years, the BSE S&P Sensex has gained 11.4% on average annually. The gains are much higher if dividend income and bonus shares are taken into account. Over the same period, the value of gold has risen about 10% a year.
Ms. Maheshwari says her portfolio of 1,500 stocks is worth around 40 million rupees ($660,000). She says she owns most of the stocks for the dividends they pay, and plans to hold on to them for years.
Ms. Maheshwari says she is a hands-on investor who wades through companies' financial statements. She has become a regular fixture at the annual general meetings of India's largest firms, such as Reliance Industries Ltd. and Tata group companies, where she often asks for higher dividends and updates on planned projects.
To get her message across at these meetings, Ms. Maheshwari has occasionally burst into poem or song about a chief executive or directors. This has left a mark on many.
"[She] has been among those shareholders of Tata companies who, though individuals, are an institution," Ratan Tata, the former chairman of the Tata group told The Wall Street Journal. "For as long as I can remember, she would be the most vocal lady shareholder-speaker in a bastion of men at AGMs. I believe she has inspired many women and youngsters to become engaged investors," Mr. Tata said.
At Reliance Industry's annual meeting in June, Ms. Maheshwari had a question for chief executive Mukesh Ambani, who earlier this year got Z-level security, the second-highest level of security in India.
Standing before an audience of around 1,000 Reliance shareholders and executives, Ms. Maheshwari said that if Mr. Ambani got "Z" security, shareholders should at least get "ABCD," with A representing appreciation, B for bonus, C for cash, and D for dividends.
A Reliance spokesman said in June that Ms. Maheshwari's and other investors' demands were pending with the board. He didn't respond to a recent call for comment. For last fiscal year, Reliance Industries paid a dividend of nine rupees a share.
Ms. Maheshwari says Reliance Industries is one of the best performing stocks in her portfolio, along with Tata Motors Ltd., software firm Tata Consultancy Ltd., engineering firm Larsen & Toubro Ltd. and toothpaste maker Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd. She says these stocks have risen by 10 times to 25 times since she bought them.
She says returns on stocks helped her to buy her home in Santacruz, a posh Mumbai neighborhood, for 80,000 rupees in 1972. "Today this house should be worth 50 million to 60 million rupees," she said.
Ms. Maheshwari, a high school graduate, was introduced to stocks when her father-in-law gave her 1,000 shares of Grasim Industries Ltd., then a textile company, as a wedding gift in 1954.
"That time I didn't even know what these pieces of paper meant," she said, referring to the stock certificates.
Ms. Maheshwari says she realized their value after she started getting dividend checks regularly. "I decided to put more of my savings into stocks and made it a habit," she said.
Over the years, her husband J.P. Maheshwari, who used to run a plastic products manufacturing business, started helping her.
Now, the two of them spend their days monitoring financial TV channels to get news on companies, stock markets and the economy, regularly trading on a pool of 100 to 200 stocks in Ms. Maheshwari's portfolio.
She says she doesn't always believe in analyst commentary and instead studies companies' financial statements, annual reports, and dividend and bonus history before deciding on whether to invest in a stock or not.
"Balance sheets will always reveal the truth," she said.
Ms. Maheshwari plans to be an active shareholder for many more years, and rues that there aren't enough investors asking companies tough questions, especially at shareholder meetings.
"Investors should come prepared and throw valid questions to company managements… I don't see that happening," she said.
Corrections and Amplifications: An earlier version of this post gave Ms. Maheshwari's incorrect age on when she was introduced to stocks. This has been

रविवार, 19 जुलाई 2015


Stock Market or Real estate which one will give better returns ?
Which will give better returns in long term ? : This question will arise in everyone's mind, whether it is better to invest in Real estate or in Stock market ? In my opinion investing in Stock market is better and best in long term. it will give you enormous profit compared to real estate if you are ready to take the risk.
I give you a simple calculation : I take Reliance Industries as my stock for the analysis ( period 1996 -2005 ) Why this ten year period ? because it's a mix of two decades , that is the second of 1990's and first half of 2000. Ok, Why reliance industries ltd ? because it's a large cap company even in those days and well known to everyone, most of the other companies which are large caps today were mid caps at that time, so i avoided mid-caps (?!) . i like to get good return in stock market with large caps without losing my money. That is why Reliance industries limited. Doubt cleared ?
Ok, how i compare real estate with stock ? First i take stock market : Assume i started investing in reliance industries through SIP method , ie., I bought 1 share on Day 1 or first trading day of every month at the closing price . 1996 jan 1 to 2005 dec 1
my total investment comes to : Rs 39422 Total stocks owned : 120 stocks ( 12 stocks each year )
So, as on Dec 30 2005 my portfolio value should be : 120 x Rs 889 = Rs 106680 nearly 160 % return.
In 1997 september reliance issued a bonus of 1:1 So, i got 21 stocks ( ie. from 1996 1 jan to Sep 1 1997, i will own only 21 stocks , so extra bonus 21 stocks ) now the total stocks i owned as on 2005 dec 31st is 141 stocks of reliance. Well the total value of my portfolio is Stocks 141 * Rs 889 ( As per dec 30 2005 closing price ) = Rs 125349 nearly 210% return.
i assume, i have not made any further investment thereafter, and also not sold any single stock.
i let it . in 2008 jan 14 the market value of reliance stock was Rs 3300 .
So, 141 x 3300 = 465300 nearly 1200% return in 12 years. for 24 years i let my money grow, so my investment of Rs 55,83,600. in 36 years : Rs 6,70,03200 . So, your total investment of Rs 39422, grows into Rs 6 Crores, 70 lacks, 3200 rupees. Dividend is extra income.
if you invest Rs 39422 in real estate, i assume you will get 400% return in 10 years, so it will grow upto a maximum of Rs 6 lakhs and 40,000 only. If you take risk and invest in mid caps, the investment return will be much bigger than the large gap. So, i suggest to invest in stock markets, that will give you best returns than real estate investments.
Can we become a Millionaires or billionaires through stock market investment ?
People who are optimistic will believe they can become millionaire or billionaire through stock market trading / investments. Pessimistic will tell it will ruin the life. Well both are true. It all depends on your luck and also your knowledge in stock trading. If i am an optimistic then i should give some proof, here it is.
If you are having doubts whether Stock market can make someone a Millionaire or billionaire with a small amount of investment ? Here you can find how Rs 10000 turned to 53 lakhs in just 8 years - unbelievable watch TTK Prestige stock
Investing in stock market is a good investment. No doubt, you can beat the inflation through the investments in large cap stock, but in addition to that if you filter and select a right stock, then you can become a millionaire or billionaire within a decade time. the recent example is TTK Prestige stock.
TTK Prestige stock traded at Rs 6 in the year 2003 , now in 2011 the stock trading at Rs 3200. Unbelievable return, nearly 533 times your investment amount.
If you invested rs 10000 in TTK prestige, now you will own Rs 53 lakhs.
Not only the increase in price, but they are also giving dividend each year. starting from 20 % to 125 % of the face value.
Face value Rs 10.
So, select right small cap stock and stay invested in the stock for a long time, you will sure become a millionaire, investing rs 10000 is not a big risk.
Traders who made millions through stock market
You can be rich through stock trading, but you can be a wealthy person only if you invest in stocks.
But, there are lot of people who made millions in stock market through stock trading, i list some of them.
1. Jesse livermore : He was a stock trader as well as commodity trader, he made millions of Dollars and lost them in trading, not once, three times in his life time. i write a separate page about this trader. if you read his life history, you will be inspired.
2. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala : A Indian trader who made millions. Joined the billionaire club recently. Every Indian trader should know about this trader as well as investor, he is mix of both. he is called as warren buffet of India.
But, his trading history is not that much open as Jessie.
SIP investments for long term to become a crorepati
Suggestion is, if you are planning to invest rs 2000/ per month in SIP ( Systematic investment plan ) recommend you to invest Rs 1000 in gold, either through ETF or directly buying gold. For the other RS 1000/- buy stocks of a single company, try to find a fundamentally good company in the range of RS 50 - Rs 100/- and start investing in that company every month for Rs 1000/- don't care about the rate whether it goes to Rs 1000, or it goes to 500 rupees anything. , buy every month at the market price without any technical research, continue this method for 10 years, you could be a crorepati. Read the thread about a farmer who invested through SIP every quarterly and became a crorepati ( Millionaire ) in 10 years.
How a farmer became a millionaire through SIP method
I read a story , that a farmer in north india became a millionaire by investing Rs 5000/- quarterly in a particular stock and in 10 years, his portfolio worth Rs 6 crores and even in the down trend of 2008, his net worth in stocks was Rs 2 crores. total amount he invested was just Rs 2 lakhs in total
How to get profit in stock market - Follow FIIs and make profit
How to get profit in stock market, ? everyone will be eager to know the answer, eventhough it is not easy, it is also not a tough job. In recent years, indian debt and equity market is mainly controlled by FII's ( Foreign Institutional Investors ), i found a method to make profit in the market, follow FII's. that's it. How ? well, let us assume that the market is in downtrend, ( ie falling nearly 600 points in nifty or more ) and if FII's make a net buy in cash market in any day ( some huge net buy compared to previous days ) , i suggest you to start buying in the market, within a month, the market will go up, and you can cash atleast 10 % profit. if the market is trending up, and FII's making a net sell in the cash market ( huge net sell compared to previous days ) on any trading day, then just sell your stocks and wait for a downtrend to re-buy as i mentioned above.
please note, that i mentioned net cash buy / sell only in cash market, not in Futures or options, someday they will do net buy in futures or in options and vice versa, but it will not work. buy, only if they make a net buy in cash market, or sell, only if they make a net sell in the cash market. let me know how this theory works for you.
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